Sometimes a guy has to hit rock bottom before he realizes it is time to shape up. The first time you get fucked, it can definitely be a wake up call, so here at the Boys Halfway House, we make sure that our residents get the message loud and clear. Our House Managers ensure compliance, and when a resident slips, we manage to help him back on his feet. Unfortunately for him, that typically means quite a while on his knees first. . . and then his back.
These incidents have been documented without filter: young straight guys learning their lessons the hard way: through lots of dick sucking, cum guzzling, and also living through their worst nightmare. Our Managers pry open thoses fresh virgin holes, getting maximum pleasure for themselves, but also helping these poor young delinquents to see the light.
Starring: Evan Black, Gustov, Cort Cameron, David Fly, Dominic Phelps, Biz